31 January 2019

How Dare This Situation Happen To Me!

          “All that is required is to understand that there is a problem.  Start to ask for help and that help always comes in and the timing for that help is at that perfect moment.

          “All of us go through dark and troubled days.  We all suffer in different ways.  None of us is exempt, so it is good to know that we will be taken care of.

          “Out of the blue reassurances in so many ways are given and those helping hands rescue us from those depths of despair and the outcome is one of satisfaction and relief.

          “We can’t always see the help that is given to us nor do we always appreciate it at the time.  It is only when we are safe and secure once again in the cold light of day that we realise that we have been helped.

          “The impossible position is lifted from us and we are able to continue our lives in a better and more secure way.  When difficulties arise, they often don’t happen just like that, but slow gentle warnings appear over a period of time.

          “We tend to ignore these warnings, because they do not agree with our mindset.  We hope they will all go away.  So, when the big blow comes, because we have not heeded those warnings, we are then devastated and put out.

          “It is almost, “How dare this situation happen to me!”

          “Then we are all given the necessary time to reflect and so see where we actually had a hand in this situation, where we actually aided it in some form or another.

          “Again, when we are saved and can reflect back from a comfortable position of safety, do we acknowledge our own hand in the situation.

          “If we are wise, we will learn from this and not make the same mistake again.  If necessary, we get professional advice to see how we can become stronger and deal with various situations in a better way.

          “Whatever the problems you have had to face, recognise those helping/healing hands were always there and, in a way, saved you from yourself!”

Jenny Ayers
Thursday, 31st January 2019

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