08 March 2021

These New Beginnings Which Are to Last for All Eternity

 “‘We’ together are literally moving mountains of doubt and despair.  So many people are now attracted to your website and learning from it.  It is no mistake that ‘We’ are giving you these daily messages to teach the masses in how to behave and what is in store for them if they don’t oblige.

“Mankind has to be taught from the ground roots upwards to respect ones fellow man and to ignore the continuous battering that the ‘self’ is the most important thing for them.  ‘We’ hold the populous to account and where they must now see the personal destruction, they are causing the well being of so many.

“Their naivety is no longer their excuse.  The wake-up call to bring reality of their consequences is a very real factor indeed.  ‘We’ must press along explaining to the general public that their faults have massive consequences to the lives of so many.

“New policies around the globe are now taking root and where justifiable evidence is being provided to enlighten peoples as to their foolish and corrupt ways.  Be it human to human or global planet destruction.  The world’s people are coming out in force against tyranny and destruction.

“All around us is mayhem and uncertainty yet in spite of this, great strides are being delivered and people are surviving against what appears intolerable odds.  The people of this world suppressed by tyranny are rising up again.

“This time with the world looking on as never before.  Justice on a remarkable scale is being done.  The people of this world are being heard.  Their stories being talked about openly and freely.  Suppression is now losing its grip on society.

“The turning now is already happening.  The people will experience freedom once again.  They are all being heard!  Your roles are to enlighten those souls who see no hope in their lives.  That ‘God’ sees everything without judgement, but in accordance with Spiritual Laws.

“The Law is acted out and nobody can deny its existence or its validity to the cause.  The leveling up of so many injustices is now taking place and the people will know that retribution is both swift and uplifting.  You both will also witness this in your lives, where you have come to suffer enormously.

“You are daily being saved and so many things are being returned to you now!  Lasting benefits on an unprecedented scale are being returned to you as is your right to have and experience.  Nothing gets left unseen or undone.

“You are now reaping the rewards of so much hardship and despair.  Your time is now and where you will enjoy that good life for so many years to come.  Now is literally the building back of so many things lost and forsaken, as is your right to have in abundance.

“The way is now clear and freed up to make these necessary changes to your welfare and by Spiritual Law is given back to you in spades.  You will never want for anything ever again!  ‘The Lord and Master’ has spoken ‘His’ will upon you, absolute and always perfect.

“Have another perfect day as many more are on the way.  This will be your lives from here on in and nothing must interfere with that process.  You have ‘Our’ blessings and ‘Our’ love and begin to see the bigger picture of your eternal happiness.

“It will take a little understanding, but not for too long.  ‘We’ appreciate all that you do for humanity and to the cause of goodwill for all.  Now you can enjoy the fruits of your labors from all that appreciate you and those to follow on afterwards.

“All mediumship and healings take on a higher level of expertise.  The people will be dumbfounded and will acknowledge your prowess in all that you do and say.  Miracles are named everyday as you will see soon enough.

“‘We’ together with you spring into life with every advantage being given to you on a daily basis.  ‘We’ walk this perfect and holy life together.  ‘We’ leave all past transgressions done to you behind.  Behold the lamb of God, who takes away the sins of this earth and forgives all transgressions.

“You are now free of all mishaps, which have been done to you, so that your lives from here on in are filled with love and abundance in all matters.  You are the rising stars.  No one will ever tarnish that spirit within again.

“Go enjoy today and all the todays that follow on.  This is your time to live and be happy.  You are the sunshine of ‘God’s’ eternal love forever.  Wellness proceeds you from now on!”

 Channeled by Jenny Ayers Sunday, 7th March 2021

25 January 2021

The Stain of a Tyrant

 “As a new awakening begins to stir a nation, America will have to come to terms with their heinous ways and to repel all that was ugly in their midst.  It won’t be an easy task, but a necessary one.  See the nation come together to heal one another and to begin to see the light of forgiveness emerging.

“It will take decades to wipe out that carnage that exploded on the Capitol’s building, but, with the right action, slowly the American people will come to terms with what they have done and how best to repair it.

“The Republican Party will see their popularity slide downwards, as they begin to repair a broken party.  It won’t be an easy task, as there must be a soul-searching agenda and hopefully, they will see where they all went wrong.

“The name of Trump forever associated with the Republican Party.  Once again, they are scarred with corrupt politicians, as was Nixon before.  They need to purge themselves and remake their party, as one of respectability and truth.  This will not be an easy task for them.

“It will however be vital if they want to have any credibility from the American people and influence them into their way of thinking and acting.  It won’t be easy, but it will happen over time.  This has been a severe lesson of misjudgement and mismanagement.  The stain of a tyrant is not easily wiped out.  Let that be their lesson!”

Jenny Ayers Sunday, 24th January 2021

Trump’s Time Is Over

 “A more decisive action to evict Donald Trump from ever entering the White House again will be established.  A rare scene from the Republican Party will unite together to bring about a satisfactory result accepted by all in Congress.

“Trump’s time is over.  Lawsuits, the likes you cannot imagine, will fall on his head.  He has nowhere to hide and nobody wants to be tarnished with his name.  A pathetic broken man, even his family will disown him, as they will become social pariahs in their own right.

“The full strength of the Laws of ‘God’ fall on their shoulders.  This they are only now just beginning to see and understand.”

Jenny Ayers Sunday, 17th January 2021

America United Goes Forward

 “As many Americans begin to reach out to a future without turmoil, they will begin to see peace being established to a broken divided country.  Joe Biden’s Inauguration will go out without a hitch.  It has already been well rehearsed, and every contingency plan exercised.

“He must be the leader now of the free world. and to exercise that right of office with patience, harmony and with justice for all.  He is a right thinker and has much compassion for his fellow Americans, many who understand him and approve of his ways.

“Love and the consistency of power will be seen by all.  Fairness being the prime example here.  His message to the people will be a resounding attempt to alleviate fear and to restore faith and co-operation to all sections of the public.  His resounding speech will rock the Nation and it will be a wake up call that violence does not unite a country, it only goes to divide it!

“Many people will come out and literally cry with a form of disbelief that this man of justice has love for his fellow man and not hatred.  A new beginning is already taking place, where the beating heart of the American Nation begins to heal and begins to recognize a true patriot as they have in Joe Biden.

“His astonishing Vice President Kamala Harris will be beaming with pride and complete satisfaction that this day has finally arrived without hitches, as all precautions will already have taken place.  Her role behind President Biden will be one of strength and unity behind the position of the office.

“Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are literally of one mind together, an unstoppable force united in justice for all.  See the poor and many disadvantaged people get the necessary support and recognition for their grievances.  They will see a new dawn in their lives. 

“A united America will be established in spite of the many teething problems that will surface during this term in office.  Together they will be able to achieve remarkable feats, as they have to restore faith in their fellow citizens in the re-establishing of this once great Nation.  All now will be resurrected in time.

“President Trump will want to leave the White House sooner rather than later by the back door for fear of any reprisals that may occur.  He will skulk away like a wounded animal, not knowing any longer who is his friend or who is against him.  He is a broken man, and he can’t see any way out of his predicament. 

“Even his main core of thugs is beginning to realize that they have lost this battle.  See many go underground.  They will be living with one eye looking over their shoulder as the CIA and FBI will want to hunt them down.

“This hard core of fanatics is dangerous to the life blood of the American people.  They are the constant source of anxiety and disruption to the American way of life.  They will be hunted down and charged with inciting violence against the state.

“Their hard-core fanaticism can no longer be tolerated or accepted into American society.  Many will come to trial and their lives will be ruined, so that they will no longer be accepted as valued people in society.  They have had their day.  They have been exposed and they will be justifiably dealt with.

“Insurrection by Trump and his bullying ways will no longer be tolerated.  His term in office marred for all time!  See the political strength of the people unite together to bring Trump down, so that he never will be put in office again.  His political dreams put out of action for all time.

“Through his selfish and bullying tactics, he has divided a Nation.  Now retribution, the likes he cannot imagine, will fall swiftly upon his head and the heads of his family.  By his actions he has brought shame upon his family.  All are tarred by his actions.

“A legacy they cannot shift or change.  They will forever be associated with Trump’s devilish ways.  See them all fade into the background.  Any thoughts that the Trump children will run for office in the future will be met with stiff opposition.

“The Republican political arm will denounce him publicly to see how they can salvage any modicum of respectability for their cause.

“The Impeachment process will proceed effectively.  The Republican party will unite to bring about solidarity amongst its people to bring down a tyrant that they had no control over, which in turn because of their fears from this man, has turned this party inside out.

“Admitting their guilty part in his demise will not be an easy pill to swallow.  However, they need to exonerate themselves from him entirely.  So, they will be able to purge themselves of this man and this time in history.

“A trial of massive force will be issued.  Trump will be stripped of all privileges, the likes that have never been seen before.  Trump will be shown up as an example to all those wanting to take up political office that his vicious ways will never be accepted again.

“A new era has begun and a fairer more just society for all will emerge, uniting a country as never before.  All wounds that the public through injustice have suffered, will now be healed, to establish a more comprehensive outlook for the American people to believe in and furthermore trust in.

“This will be established. America will be able to raise its head up again having dealt with a tyrant as never before.  See a more united and liberal minded nation evolve!

Jenny Ayers Friday, 15th January 2021

Good News on Coronavirus

 “The Coronavirus will not put a stop to this happening.  Brace yourselves and learn to rest at the appointed times.  ‘We’ will guide you on that score.  All is healthily being achieved and where a new lease of life comes to you both.

“The Coronavirus appears out of control when in fact the observation of this disease is coming to the attention of the scientific fraternity, who now are in position to be able to quell its spread, by targeting a single gene, which makes it spread like wildfire.

“This single gene will be rendered inactive for an entire generation and so bring this disease to a remarkable halt.  By removing this molecule, it renders this disease inoperable and so transmission is no longer a faculty.

“It literally cannot reproduce and so the disease fades out, becomes inactive to humans around the world.  This is a revelation that only now that the scientific world are coming to realize.  It also hinders its reconstruction to mutate and therefore it is permanently paralyzed for all time!

“The revolution will soon be announced by the scientists themselves.  At this time the vaccinations must be implemented to stop the rise in souls getting this virus and to safeguard the communities around the country and the world.”

 Jenny Ayers Sunday, 10th January 2021

Be Mindful Who You Vote For

“As the whole of the United States are reeling with anger in various ways, the responsibility now lies with the Republican Party to try and put a muzzle over Trump’s mouth.  There is a desperation now running riot that the American people will no longer put up with his antics.

“The far right set of bullies have now gone underground to force a strategy to undermine the authority of the Biden faction.  This way they can unsettle him, so as to get him overanxious and where he will make mistakes and so be forced to concede.

“This will never happen, as the entire Democratic movement is growing in strength and will have every contingency plan under their belt.  Trump will do a last deep ditch attempt of unsettling the Biden camp to keep him on his toes.

“It is the Republican Party, who will bring in an act to dishonor Trump, whether he remains in the White House or not.  He has already crossed the line and there are no valued Senators or Congressmen to take his side.  No one wants to be tarnished with the devastating effects of his Presidency.

“To be politically tarnished by his toxic destructive actions sends a death knell to their political careers.  Even Mike Pence will remove himself from any onslaught that he knows is coming his way.  A small select group of higher representatives will be able to funnel a way out of these devastating circumstances and they will try to hold the center ground.

“Most of their strategies will hold 80% of them, the remaining 20% will once again be undermined by this treacherous man. He has no moral scruples, no higher consciousness.  He works on a base level of self-interest.

“At this time, even his own family are divided and feel he has gone too far.  He has already broken their trust on many occasions.  Like walking on quicksand, Trump has no real certainty of achieving anything just now.

“With his political dying breath, he will spit at the elected President Biden, trying to make him feel small.  That one single act will be the self-inflicted bullet that kills him off and, like all rats leaving a sinking ship, he will be powerless to do/achieve anymore.

“The Republic Party, bar a handful, will disown Trump and, where possible, will use their influence to stab him in the back, something Trump has not really experienced until now.  The dawn of a new beginning is happening.

“The American people bashed and bruised, will unite together for the sake of all its citizens and a softer, yet robust community will come together for the sake of future Americans. Many Americans did see first-hand the worst of this man but felt powerless to stand up against him, because they knew his henchmen would get them!

“To say souls in the White House were walking on eggshells was an understatement, many crumbled under the strain of his dictatum and many were forced out much to their relief, as they could not accomplish anymore from staying there.

“The Republican Party will organize a healthy retreat to try and save face with the hope they can win again another day.  Trying to convince the American people to accept another Republican in the White House will not be an easy task.

“See Trump go to Israel to form some kind of alliance to help him seek another Presidential term.  He is fighting for his political life.  It is the Republican Party themselves, who cannot stomach his rhetoric any longer and that is why they will cold shoulder him.

“His toxic views brings them all in the firing line of a United people.  He is far too dangerous, he cannot and will never be controlled and for them that is their worst nightmare.  A softer but more robust Biden regime will allow many different nationalities to come together to bring in a United front.

“This consensus will grow and allow a bedrock of stability to be formed, allowing substantial growth to a broken society.  Joe Biden will do his level best to reach out to all those people, who can make a difference to society and start to cement a better way forwards.

“Luck of course won’t come into it.  A Higher Intelligence is on hand to show him the way.  Prosperity will return to a broken land!"

 Jenny Ayers Thursday, 7th January 2021



 “This Coronavirus has stopped them in their tracks and has given them thinking time to adjust their lives as never before.  ‘We’ give them wise understanding and direction to reapply their lives before it is too late.  “It is literally now, “Do as ‘We’ say or reap the consequences of their actions on a daily basis.”

“This will be the highest call to action, as has never been before in their lifetime.  ‘We’ administer the final blows to all those, who now go against Spiritual Laws, which have been there all along to guard them against so many problems.  Now, for the first time in years, that wake up call is loud and clear and will be obeyed!

“Your jobs are to bring the words of ‘God’ into their fragile lives, not to burden them, but to strengthen them from disease and envy.  ‘We’ have to change the mindsets, so that souls can obtain a better life and not see one based on greedy and superfluous nonsense, where nothing worthwhile is ever achieved.

“Peace of mind is a valuable thing for the soul to achieve its objective and where it can thrive and not perish into non-action.  ‘We’ give people back their lives, so that they can make the right decisions from now on!

“See the Coronavirus come to a screaming halt, as the vaccines start to take hold.  The general public will be influenced to take it and take it they will in whatever capacity is open to them.  The priorities are all the health care workers.  The first line of defense and the police and army systems.  From that the elderly and infirmed.

“Start to see a general but significant decline in this destructive disease and where long-term lessons have been learnt.  The nation will feel there won’t be enough to go around.  The scientific industry are working flat out to produce more to eradicate it once and for all.

“See a return to travel and where restrictions will be lifted.  This Government, who have been criticized for not delivering information in the correct and concise way, will see confidence by the people return to them and where strength of characters will prevail.

“A new outgoing post from a senior political member will see a better more moderate person take control, which will affect all the people in a better more substantial way.  A new leader of man is slowly emerging alongside an effective female.  The Conservative Party will be well pleased.

“Labor cannot match up to the new strength and purpose the Conservative Party can now deliver.  They will be unstoppable in so many ways.  This can then unite the country and bring about peace where disenchantment prevailed.  Uncertainty becoming a thing of the past.

“Vast encouragement from top Government officials will see a tide of optimism occurring and where peace is finally restored.  You both are a part of this planned strategy and so you will accomplish many positive results.

“You are in a state of great change/delivery and ‘Our’ words will be heard."

Jenny Ayers  Sunday, 3rd January 2021