25 January 2021

Be Mindful Who You Vote For

“As the whole of the United States are reeling with anger in various ways, the responsibility now lies with the Republican Party to try and put a muzzle over Trump’s mouth.  There is a desperation now running riot that the American people will no longer put up with his antics.

“The far right set of bullies have now gone underground to force a strategy to undermine the authority of the Biden faction.  This way they can unsettle him, so as to get him overanxious and where he will make mistakes and so be forced to concede.

“This will never happen, as the entire Democratic movement is growing in strength and will have every contingency plan under their belt.  Trump will do a last deep ditch attempt of unsettling the Biden camp to keep him on his toes.

“It is the Republican Party, who will bring in an act to dishonor Trump, whether he remains in the White House or not.  He has already crossed the line and there are no valued Senators or Congressmen to take his side.  No one wants to be tarnished with the devastating effects of his Presidency.

“To be politically tarnished by his toxic destructive actions sends a death knell to their political careers.  Even Mike Pence will remove himself from any onslaught that he knows is coming his way.  A small select group of higher representatives will be able to funnel a way out of these devastating circumstances and they will try to hold the center ground.

“Most of their strategies will hold 80% of them, the remaining 20% will once again be undermined by this treacherous man. He has no moral scruples, no higher consciousness.  He works on a base level of self-interest.

“At this time, even his own family are divided and feel he has gone too far.  He has already broken their trust on many occasions.  Like walking on quicksand, Trump has no real certainty of achieving anything just now.

“With his political dying breath, he will spit at the elected President Biden, trying to make him feel small.  That one single act will be the self-inflicted bullet that kills him off and, like all rats leaving a sinking ship, he will be powerless to do/achieve anymore.

“The Republic Party, bar a handful, will disown Trump and, where possible, will use their influence to stab him in the back, something Trump has not really experienced until now.  The dawn of a new beginning is happening.

“The American people bashed and bruised, will unite together for the sake of all its citizens and a softer, yet robust community will come together for the sake of future Americans. Many Americans did see first-hand the worst of this man but felt powerless to stand up against him, because they knew his henchmen would get them!

“To say souls in the White House were walking on eggshells was an understatement, many crumbled under the strain of his dictatum and many were forced out much to their relief, as they could not accomplish anymore from staying there.

“The Republican Party will organize a healthy retreat to try and save face with the hope they can win again another day.  Trying to convince the American people to accept another Republican in the White House will not be an easy task.

“See Trump go to Israel to form some kind of alliance to help him seek another Presidential term.  He is fighting for his political life.  It is the Republican Party themselves, who cannot stomach his rhetoric any longer and that is why they will cold shoulder him.

“His toxic views brings them all in the firing line of a United people.  He is far too dangerous, he cannot and will never be controlled and for them that is their worst nightmare.  A softer but more robust Biden regime will allow many different nationalities to come together to bring in a United front.

“This consensus will grow and allow a bedrock of stability to be formed, allowing substantial growth to a broken society.  Joe Biden will do his level best to reach out to all those people, who can make a difference to society and start to cement a better way forwards.

“Luck of course won’t come into it.  A Higher Intelligence is on hand to show him the way.  Prosperity will return to a broken land!"

 Jenny Ayers Thursday, 7th January 2021


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