25 January 2021


 “This Coronavirus has stopped them in their tracks and has given them thinking time to adjust their lives as never before.  ‘We’ give them wise understanding and direction to reapply their lives before it is too late.  “It is literally now, “Do as ‘We’ say or reap the consequences of their actions on a daily basis.”

“This will be the highest call to action, as has never been before in their lifetime.  ‘We’ administer the final blows to all those, who now go against Spiritual Laws, which have been there all along to guard them against so many problems.  Now, for the first time in years, that wake up call is loud and clear and will be obeyed!

“Your jobs are to bring the words of ‘God’ into their fragile lives, not to burden them, but to strengthen them from disease and envy.  ‘We’ have to change the mindsets, so that souls can obtain a better life and not see one based on greedy and superfluous nonsense, where nothing worthwhile is ever achieved.

“Peace of mind is a valuable thing for the soul to achieve its objective and where it can thrive and not perish into non-action.  ‘We’ give people back their lives, so that they can make the right decisions from now on!

“See the Coronavirus come to a screaming halt, as the vaccines start to take hold.  The general public will be influenced to take it and take it they will in whatever capacity is open to them.  The priorities are all the health care workers.  The first line of defense and the police and army systems.  From that the elderly and infirmed.

“Start to see a general but significant decline in this destructive disease and where long-term lessons have been learnt.  The nation will feel there won’t be enough to go around.  The scientific industry are working flat out to produce more to eradicate it once and for all.

“See a return to travel and where restrictions will be lifted.  This Government, who have been criticized for not delivering information in the correct and concise way, will see confidence by the people return to them and where strength of characters will prevail.

“A new outgoing post from a senior political member will see a better more moderate person take control, which will affect all the people in a better more substantial way.  A new leader of man is slowly emerging alongside an effective female.  The Conservative Party will be well pleased.

“Labor cannot match up to the new strength and purpose the Conservative Party can now deliver.  They will be unstoppable in so many ways.  This can then unite the country and bring about peace where disenchantment prevailed.  Uncertainty becoming a thing of the past.

“Vast encouragement from top Government officials will see a tide of optimism occurring and where peace is finally restored.  You both are a part of this planned strategy and so you will accomplish many positive results.

“You are in a state of great change/delivery and ‘Our’ words will be heard."

Jenny Ayers  Sunday, 3rd January 2021

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