19 March 2019

Where Is Your Support Coming From?

“Situations happen quite unexpectedly at times and we can get thrown into a place we never imagined we would ever be in.  When that time comes, it is important to know that help and support are there to ease the burden that one is going through then.

“To know that that support is given with the generosity of love and commitment for as long as it is needed and, where we can feel reassured in the knowledge that we are safe in that love, for souls the burden of the situation is relieved enormously.

“It is at this time in our lives that we recognise all those who truly care about us and that their love sustains us for the coming days, weeks and months if necessary.

          “All of us who are given that support throughout those ordeals, which are sometimes thrust upon us, know it is invaluable and brings much strength to all those in need.

          “At times, that support can be life changing.  It lasts with that individual for the duration of their life and so is never forgotten.

          “Never is support taken for granted.  That lifeline of love allows an individual to breathe with relief, but also the very burden is halved and therefore becomes manageable, which is so important, so vital in an individual’s recovery and peace of mind.

          “To all those souls, who encounter loving support, literally for them it becomes a life changer and so they can bear the burden and can carry on until their circumstances’ change and the individual once again can cope and stand on their own two feet, strong and capable once again.

          “Love and support are life changing.  It is the very reasons why we are alive, to help assist one another in whatever capacity is needed for that soul to survive.

          “We are all linked by God’s love and support through earthly individuals, who care and we are all truly grateful!  Amen.”

Jenny Ayers
Tuesday, 19th March 2019

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