29 June 2017

We Owe It Ourselves to Start Today

There needs to be more integration in our society.  Long have local councils banded together, so that we get communities of one culture all together.

          For a nation to be more in sympathy and understanding of each other, we must integrate far more.  Fear comes in when we don’t understand each other and the various cultures that we have all over the country.

          English, the language of this country, must be spoken by everybody.  Foreign people take refuge in the United Kingdom, should all go for English lessons and this should be mandatory.

          In this country in the 21st Century, there are still many citizens who do not speak the language of English, yet have lived here for decades.  This stalemate situation needs to be changed in order for greater communications to evolve.

          Fear and anger are brought about because integration does not exist in many parts of the United Kingdom.  In many parts of the UK, integration of the cultures has taken place and this has shown to be successful.

          In other areas this has not happened and it has fostered a bad anger, fear and violence.  It is the responsibility of Government and local councils to bring about this transition.  This way fear and anger can be removed.

          It takes the responsibility of all UK citizens to band together and to assist in this matter.  It is no longer a question of them and us.

          We are all citizens of this once great nation and we need to come together in love and understanding and to embrace each other.

          Communication and understanding is at the very heart of getting to know one another and where we can all live in safety together.  We owe it ourselves to start today.

Jenny Ayers
Thursday, 29th June 2017

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