30 May 2017

We Must Be Kind to Ourselves

The most important lesson for us all is to be kind to ourselves.

All too often we consider others above ourselves, leaving us feeling either left out or resentful that we don’t have the time or the inclination.

Sometimes we need a gentle push to set us on our way.

Time and space on ourselves is an essential ingredient to happiness and wellbeing.

So when time allows, and we must all make that necessary time, then we must see what is important.

In giving to ourselves, we are not being selfish, but good natured for all the hard work that we have already done to achieve matters for all.

Being kind to ourselves we are in turn uplifted and can give to others at a later date.

All needs to be in balance for us to benefit by the harmony of our combined energies.

Start to see that when we feel good, that goodness vibration seeps out to others, so as we gain, so others do as well!

Jenny Ayers
Tuesday, 30th May 2017

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