30 July 2017

Can We See the Higher Intelligence Working for Us?

“As we go about our daily lives, most of us are oblivious to the higher forces at work all around us.  We see that nothing much changes, so because we don’t see the little things happening all the time, we never pick up on a higher intelligence working daily for us.

“That convenient parking place that we needed, that dinner table at the restaurant just coming available for us.  A doctor’s cancellation, the dental appointment, which can see us on the day we need it.  Bills not being as expensive as we once feared.

“Several things on a daily basis to keep us going and with no hardship to you.  Daily, even hourly, we are looked after.  It is at times like these that we should thank our Creator for his unconditional love and where we are so protected on so many issues all the time.

“Of course, there are those who actively go looking for trouble and they will find it.  It is all up to us to listen to those guided words, where we can avoid trouble and live a risk-free life. 

“We all owe it to ourselves to think, listen and acknowledge and to do that rightful thing.  Then we are always looked after!”

Jenny Ayers
Tuesday, 25th July 2017

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