“For justice to be maintained in these lands, it first must be administered in the home. Too often conflict arises where children and parents are out of sync with each other, where parity of conscious does not exist.
“Both bait each other to get the upper hand, but in the end both fail to find the necessary solutions to their mounting problems. Hurt on both sides is administered.
“To be right and to implement justice is to become wise and impartial, to see the situation as it is and deal with it in the most humane way, so that love and harmony are allowed to enter in.
“Family breakdown usually is caused by the selfishness of one or more individuals, whose curt way of dealing with matters is destructive to the other members.
“Feelings of those hurt largely go unnoticed and so a download spiral of discontent and anger is born.
“The solution is to stand up for ones rights, to hold the moral high ground, so that balance and harmony can be achieved.
“So often this is not able to be achieved as the selfish person will not change their ways, so the ultimate decision has to be made, either the selfish person is ejected from the household or the other hurt members will need to leave.
“Justice for the individual must be met and so it becomes the responsibility of that hurt individual to exercise that right and to move on.
“To carry on regardless where anger and hurt remains constant benefits no one at all. It serves no purpose only to drive the hurt deeper, where lives have already been wrecked by the selfish goings-on of these people.
“At some point a line must be drawn, so that sanity can prevail. To live in a situation where long term psychological warfare is present will invoke a breakdown of the human spirit and is further followed on by the breakdown of the human body.
“Illness will come about and it is at this stage that something concrete is activated and justice towards the injured comes in. Individual responsibility for justice of the self is sparked up and the full realisation towards salvation at last can come about.
“The cycle has finally been broken and all can move on, repair and heal, and suffering for those injured is no more. This takes courage and when the time is right that courage comes in and the individual can finally act with clarity of mind and their soul is at last saved.
“No one needs to have to suffer continuously. They chose to suffer by actively participating with those who are selfish and will in the end determine their downfall.
“Don’t wait until it is too late. Wake up and start to see the way out. Once you are prepared to take that step of non cooperation towards the selfish, then the way out is always shown to you and liberation becomes the justice of the day!
“God Bless, Mustafa – learn and become activated!”
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