29 August 2011

This Is a Wake Up Call for the Entire World!

          “This is for the attention of all those who are in the banking and stockbroking business.

          “The wake up call is all around you.  Before you fall deeper into the pits of despair and uncertainty look to your own banking regulators, who have allowed fiscal dominance to go out of control.

          “You have all systematically abused the system for your own ends only.

          “The local man in the street has never had a chance to bring in an honest loan from your corporations.  The heavy, almost extortionate, interest rates have gone on long enough.

          “The out of control speculative trading will begin to cease/phase out completely and there will be further falls in the markets until all are eventually on their knees.

          “The notion that markets can and will recover is a pipedream.  All will systematically spiral out of control and a future flat line will be imposed.  You will all have to sit up finally and take notice.

          “The Credit Crunch, which affected us all due to your sharp practice, has not swayed your demise.  You all continue to practice as if you are the only vehicles on this planet that has any right to do what you like with people’s hard earned money.

          ““No more,” came the loud reply.  “No more!”

          “Start to see and believe now in a Universal Intelligence that will sort out matters in a more trustworthy and reliable way, where all must come to your knees before anything is ever taken seriously.

          “The first bringing down of your institutions was not enough.  The Lever Brothers episode did not heed your methods.  You just continued thinking a recovery and a monetary boom was just around the corner.

          “Well, when you are all on your knees and are at your wits end then, and only then, will we get your attention!

          “The World will have to revise all its monetary operations and a New World Banking Corporation, which will incorporate all countries to invest money to bring about a Universal stability, where trading in the proper way can and will be monitored.

          “Where interest rates will be reserved to those who are able to pay and at a rate that does not incorporate extortion.

          “Other countries, who wish to be excluded, will not have the privileges of the various safeguards on these monetary policies.  They will be left out in the cold.

          “The ideology of the New World Banking Corporation will see that currency stability comes into practice, where all will come to invest and the running of this bank will be run by the selected heads, who are honest and transparent.

          “There will have to be strict new banking laws, which will be imposed.  Never again will there be reckless trading.

          “Safeguards will be put in place, so that stability of the various currencies can operate in a freer market, where confidence that these various currencies are stable, because the right investments will already have been made.

          “The sharp practices of these financial institutions will fall.  No more will you have other countries controlling other countries debts.  All countries must become accountable for their own debt and to start to put their own house in order first.

          “See the decline now of so many financial institutions until reason is met and an understanding of new laws, which will be implemented to put these wayward practices out of work.

          “This is not only a wake up call for country after country.  This is a wake up call for the entire world!

          “God bless, Mustafa”

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