28 September 2018

The Power of Love

“The power of love is a remarkable thing, almost lifechanging in so many respects.  For those who have been devoid of it and then receive it, it can repair abuse, neglect, anger, frustration and illness.

“For those souls who show love, compassion and understanding to others, will see rewards of a gentleness and healing from those who receive it.  Their lives are changed forever and a day.

“To wish someone well in any form shows a desire to save or strengthen that soul in whatever way they need it.  This is not always known to the person, who is sending it.  The power of love changes literally the molecular structure of the molecules that make up that person’s body and soul.
“They are lifted by the power and strength of that love and in return they are always changed for the better.

“Animals, who are loved by their owners, quickly overcome illnesses and are restored to a full and healthy life where possible.  Animals especially feel the energy vibrations of love and know that they are being cared for.

“We, as humans, unfortunately have become desensitised and so do not always feel that love, but we do feel it acutely when it is not there or shown to us.  We feel a form of rejection, a rebuff, as if we are out in the cold and nobody cares for us.

“It makes us withdrawn from people, a feeling of being worthless or useless.  We feel a loss of confidence and constantly are seeking approval in order to win a form of love back that can sustain us for a period of time.

“If a person is not shown love, over a long period of time they feel unworthy and withdrawn from life and people.  They become aggressive and angry and they don’t always know why they act or behave in that fashion.

“Once sustainable love is shown then that person relaxes.  They are healed.  They feel wanted, even appreciated for being there and they start behaving in a softer, better way - less anxious, less aggressive and more convivial.

“Not many people understand the power of love and how it affects so many.  We all need it and we can’t do without it.  It is life sustaining and gives us the impetus to get through life with its many ups and downs.

“By giving love to others, so you in turn will receive it from all different directions, but always with heartfelt sincerity.”

Jenny Ayers
Friday, 28th September 2018

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