29 October 2017

There Are Always Angels About

“This world is not all bad and doom and gloom.  It is when we least expect it and when we are not looking for it that unexpected help is there and offered.

“A prominent man was looking for a way out of this life.  He had been suffering from depression over a long period of time.

“He felt no one understood him and even though he was getting professional help, it wasn’t enough or in fact wasn’t the right sort of help for his problems.

“He went missing from his home for quite a long time.  A national search was alerted and they couldn’t find him.

“While he was sitting on a beach contemplating how to do away with himself, a man came up to him, recognised his face and sat with him.

“The passing stranger, we will call an angel, urged this man to contact his family, who were desperately worried about him.  He had purposely left his mobile phone at home.

“This angel just sat and talked to this man and said he would not leave his side until the right help was given to him.  He would stay with him for as long as it took.

“The angel told him his best friend had committed suicide just two days previously and then he placed his hand on this man’s shoulder and cried.

“Shortly help came in the way of paramedics and where the National Health Crisis Action Team kicked in.  A new psychiatric appraisal was given and the new treatment plan found and administered.

“It is often in our darkest hours that unexpected help from nowhere comes in.  This man is well on the way to recovery and another soul is saved.

“Lessons always need to be learnt and people need to be heard.  The signs of depression are not always easy to recognise.  We must be vigilant in today’s stressed driven society.

“Fortunately, there are always angels about!”
Jenny Ayers
Sunday, 29th October 2017

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