“Everywhere the world over, women’s voices are being heard more and more these days. There is finally a struggle of women united in their common cause of suppression for suppression sake.
“Men, especially in the East, have been suppressing women for years using them as chattels for their own purpose, their own ends.
“Men are so afraid of losing their iron tight grip that they are prepared to go to any lengths to keep women in a servitude position. Now the tide is finally turning and, due to the Internet and social networking, their voices are finally being heard.
“They will no longer stand for the brutality that has kept their mothers and grandmothers in slavery nor will they be put to death for looking at a man or even speaking to him.
“Their voices, through the human rights vehicle, are highlighting the many barbaric offences they have had to put up with over centuries with no way out.
“The awaking of the 50% of the world’s population towards the flagrant discriminations towards females is now at epidemic proportions. Women are no longer afraid. They are prepared to die to have the right to have their voices heard.
“We abolished so called slavery in the nineteenth century, but we still keep the shackles on women. When will this world finally wake up and allow justice to finally be given to the gentler sex?
“The women globally are now hitting back. They are finally beginning to exercise their rights to learn, to be able to vote, to have a career outside the home, to learn to drive a car and to be seen for whom they are – individuals in their own right.
“In some countries, they are treated worse than cattle, even put to death because they were born a female or sold into slavery or even prostitution.
“There is an uprising that is unstoppable and women, the entire world over, are now standing up for their rights to live as people and no longer as third and fourth class citizens.
“See it done peacefully, but see it done right – God Bless, Mustafa”
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